
Science & Restoration

Harpeth Conservancy's Science & Restoration program plans and implements projects that protect and improve water quality and ecosystem health in Tennessee rivers.

Our science research seeks to strategically study and monitor our rivers, with the help of our citizen scientists, to better understand their overall health and current and potential threats such as pollution and degradation. Our restoration efforts, ranging from river cleanups to streambank stabilization, ultimately reduce pollution to the river, enhance habitat, and protect aquatic wildlife. Our TN Water Watch is a first-of-its-kind river advisory tool in Tennessee. Using years of our own water sampling data AND real-time environmental data (weather, river flow, precipitation, etc.), we combine this information to PREDICT levels of E. coli at various river access points to provide better water quality information for Tennessee communities.

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Clean Water Protection

Exploring Tennessee’s Wetlands

Wetlands are among the most dynamic and diverse ecosystems on Earth. These areas, often found where water meets land, provide critical environmental, economic, and recreational benefits. In Tennessee, wetlands are

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Clean Water Protection

Where Does The Water Go?

Discover where water goes after you flush in the Greater Nashville area, exploring the sewage system, current models, future updates, and ways citizens can stay informed and involved.

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What are Microplastics?

When we think about plastic pollution, we often think about the plastics we can see: plastic grocery bags, plastic bottles, and various other discarded plastics that make their way into our rivers and waterways. Unfortunately, plastic pollution is much more extensive than we previously thought and can actually occur at an incredibly small scale known as microplastics!

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