Clean Water Protection

Legislative and Regulatory Policy

Advocacy for our vision of clean water and healthy ecosystems for Rivers in Tennessee championed by the people who live here is part of Harpeth Conservancy’s DNA.

How Harpeth Conservancy is Working to Help Legislators and Regulators

Advocacy can take a number of forms.  Our work on permitting is one of the things we are most involved in.  Our work to reduce nutrient pollution on the Harpeth – and statewide — is one of our most important projects.  Sometimes, sadly, when other parties won’t comply with the law, we have had to resort to litigation.

We have been actively working collaboratively with many organizations to protect clean and adequate supplies of drinking water. 

We are and have been involved for years in attempting to create recreational experiences that don’t overcrowd or overtax our treasured natural areas.  Our work on the Harpeth Blueway, for example, led to a statewide permit on stream access points. 

And, of course, we encourage everyone to know where their federal, state, and local representatives stand on conservation issues and to let those representative know your views.

“The Constitution of the United States … grew in large part out of the necessity for united action in the wise of one of our natural resources. … [i]t is safe to say that the prosperity of our people depends directly on the energy and intelligence with which our natural resources are used. It is equally clear that these resources are the final basis of national power and perpetuity.”

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Clean Water Protection

Holiday Gift for Lick Creek

In a significant win for clean water advocates, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) made a crucial decision over the holidays to deny the Water Authority of Dickson

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