Brownland Farm Public Hearing

Date(s) - 04/26/2022
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Franklin City Hall


The controversial extensive floodplain alteration proposal for a high density residential development along the Harpeth is back!

This proposal involves dramatically changing 50% or more of the property that is in a natural floodplain to maximize development without improving any of the current flooding hazards on Hillsboro Road. We have provided expertise that explains the public safety risk from flooding in this uniquely challenging bend in the Harpeth River.

Your voice matters! Contact the Franklin Mayor and Aldermen by April 25 and urge them to deny this rezoning and development plan. Attend the public hearing and vote on Tuesday, April 26 at 7:00PM at Franklin City Hall.
The staff and Planning Commission have recommended to deny this proposal twice! Support the county and city in securing the future of Brownland Farm as a part of the recreational park system.

See our Action Alert blog for more details and the list of emails to send your concern!